巴關達顯視訊影片(德國 2012/7/18)
下面中文文章轉載自臺灣合一基金會“Bhagavan談在臨在中生活“ (http://blog.yam.com/oneness2012/article/52367268)
下面英文文章轉載自 Essential Wisdom “July 18, 2012 Sri Bhagavan LIVE WEBCAST with GERMANY“(http://www.essential-wisdom.com/deeksha_community.html)
July 18, 2012 Sri Bhagavan LIVE WEBCAST with GERMANY
Beloved Bhagavan, Dear Lord, a most warm welcome from Germany, Bhagavan, the land of order and diligence. We are very grateful from the depth of our hearts to have you here with us again. Bhagavan, we are so thankful for having the opportunity to receive your full blessings and your valuable messages. You and Amma, Dearest Bhagavan, you gave us such great gifts in this glorious year 2012, the Oneness Meditation and the Holy Presence.
We are deeply touched by your and Amma's unconditional love, Bhagavan, which is reaching us more and more. Germany is growing quite a lot since we have the Oneness Meditation. People in our country experience awakened states quite often. Many of them are happy and deeply thankful for all the Presence they get. With your blessings Bhagavan, you will speed up this growth enormously. Bhagavan, thank you so much, precious Lord, please give the people in our country your full blessings, Bhagavan. Thank you, Bhagavan.
Q1:Beloved Bhagavan, thank you for everything, for this great opportunity to see you and to be in your presence. My question is about the Presence: is it possible or useful to transfer the Presence to someone with a special intent? For example for good health or wealth and so on? Thank you so much, Bhagavan!
A1: Earlier, for whatever we wanted, we used to give a Deeksha. Whether it was health or wealth or a particular problem we gave the Deeksha. Now in the new way is we give the Presence instead. Earlier we did not have enough awakened people, hence the grace was much less. Today we have crossed the 40.000 mark and the grace has multiplied enormously. So almost effortlessly we could transfer the Presence. And once the Presence is there, all things start happening very, very fast. That is why after the Presence first started entering people, the miracles have stepped up enormously.
Q2: Dear Bhagavan, many people are in difficult states, also non-spiritual people, there is much depression and aggression. Talking to them is not useful, most of them don´t want to hear anything. I don´t want to leave them alone and support them. What is the best way to help them? Thank you, Bhagavan!
A2: You do not need to talk to them. You could directly transfer the Presence into them. Then all else is automatic.
Q3: Beloved Bhagavan, what is the difference between intent deeksha for another person and transferring the Presence to that person? With all my love thank you Bhagavan.
A3: Deeksha could be given by touch or through eye contact or through an intent. The key factor is intent. If the intent is the transfer of the Presence, and you touch, it will happen or you give the presence and you look through your eyes that will happen. Or when the intent is giving the Presence and you just have the intent, then also it happens.
Q4: Beloved Lord, dearest Father, glorious Sri Kalki, please explain about awakening and enlightenment. Thank you Bhagavan.
A4: I shall define it in terms of Oneness. Assume you are traveling by car and you switch off the engine, then you are supposed to be awakened. This is the equivalent of observing your thoughts. But the car would not stop immediately because of its momentum, it will go a short distance and then stop. When the car finally comes to a stand-still, we call it enlightenment. This is when all thoughts ?? have ceased. That is the basic difference.
Q5: Namaste Bhagavan, thank you for sharing time with the people here in Germany. Some information about me: I can`t feel goodness, feel to be thankful, feel to love, I also can`t accept the things like they are. A few days after my marriage I was able to feel this. After a few days the feeling was lost. I do many rituals, three times a day I take Deeksha from the Padukas or Sri Murthi and attend the courses. So, here is my question: What can I do to accept the people and their statements? I want to be free from this bad feeling and suffering. Please help me to be free. Thank you so much.
A5: In the old way, we discovered what our condition is and stay with it. We stayed with the "what is" and wait for things to happen. In the new way, we stay with the "what is" and immediately we invoke the Presence. The Presence comes in, all is over.
Q6: Dearest Bhagavan. Thank you so much for honoring us with your Presence here in Germany today. I wish so much to be more in the Presence. The new possibility to pass on the Presence when we feel it is wonderful. Unfortunately I often do not feel the Presence and when it's there it usually does not stay with me for long. I am looking for a reliable way to easily re-enter it again when I lost it. You mentioned that we could fix the access to somewhat like an anchor that we can then put out to access it again. I asked the Presence to come back to me when I touch my Mala. Unfortunately it did not work well. Could you please explain more precisely how we should do it when we anchor our access to the Presence?
A6: You must anchor the Presence as it comes in. If the Presence has not come to you until the end of July, it will come into you in the month of August. If not August, it will come to you in September. As the power increases, you'll soon get it. Most people will be able to get it by the end of December this year.
Q7: Namaste, dear Sri Bhagavan. First of all I would like to thank that you spend your precious time for all of us here in Germany. We are very grateful for this special Webcast. We all are very delighted to experience the Presence. Please could you explain to us the difference between the Inner Divine and the Presence? Or, our Inner Divine has been always with us whereas the Presence has come, hasn't it? Thank you very much, Sri Bhagavan.
A7: If you watch someone on the television screen, that is watching the Divine. If that person walks out of the television screen and becomes physical, that is the Presence.
Q8: Sometimes there are people in our deeksha events who are obviously not able to experience the Presence. Could you give them some advice please? Thank you.
A8: I would tell them, do not worry, you will get the Presence very soon, probably by the end of this year.
Q9: Beloved Kalki, if we are totally overtaken by the Presence and we are fully conscious of it - is this state or experience called God-Realization? Thank you, my AmmaBhagavan, I love you forever and I will serve the Divine forever!
A9: Yes, it is God-Realization.
Q10: Dear Bhagavan, I am pregnant in the 7th month and I like to participate at the Oneness Meditation. I experience through that an easy and simultaneously deep release of old charges, which makes me very happy. My questions are: When I come in contact with strong emotions through the process, how is that for the baby? What do you recommend me to do in a supportive and helpful way for the preparation for the birth and our life together after it? Thank you so much for your support and help, for all what you gave and did for us already. With Love, Namasté.
A 10: The baby enjoys the process and is fully protected by the Presence.
Q11: Dear Bhagavan, you say that the Presence comes directly from God. Is Oneness Deeksha energy not Divine energy? Is there an obvious difference?
It is the same source but the Presence is very, very powerful. The Presence is more like Deva himself coming in. All Deeksha power comes from the Presence. When the presence itself is inside you, how much more powerful it is.
Q12: I am Oneness Trainer and I have a conflict. On one side I want to support Oneness. On the other hand, when the Presence takes over I have the feeling that I just want to "BE" and there is nothing which is to be done and there is nobody who can do anything for anybody. Can you please help me? Thank you so much, dearest Bhagavan.
A12: You must follow the Presence. If you follow the Presence you are in Oneness.
Q13: Beloved Bhagavan, can you please tell me how to practice devotion? Thank you with all my heart. I thank you whole heartedly for all your love.
A13: Devotion is possible only if you have the Presence, not otherwise.
Q14: Politically and economically Germany and Europe are in a crisis. We give many Deekshas for good solutions. Should we focus on a transformation of the existing systems, or -as many people do- focus on a complete change that would cause a lot of pain and wounds?
A15: You must work for on a new system. A new system is going to emerge and that will save the people in Europe.
Q15: Many teenagers are disoriented because of misuse of media, alcoholics and sex. It seems as if they have lost themselves. Is there any chance for them? How can their parents or other people help them? What else can we do in addition to giving Deeksha?
A15: At this point in our evolution it is very, very important to transfer the Presence to all the youngsters.
Q16: Dear Bhagavan, one of my biggest wishes is to find a way to bind my work with the vision of Oneness. How can I combine my work with Oneness? Thank you very much for your help, and much love to you and Amma. I`m very happy to be a little part of the Oneness Family. Without this I would feel me alone, frustrated and negative....
A16: If you live and work from the Presence, then you are in Oneness.
Thank you... shall we meditate for a few minutes? Love you all... Namasté!